Tuesday, June 16, 2009

No more NPH...Yay!!!

So when leaving the hospital we were given set meal times with a set amount of carbs and a set amount of insulin... 7:30am Breakfast-45 grams-4 1/2 NovoLog & 4 1/2 NPH 9:30am Snack- 15-30 grams 11:30am Lunch-60 grams 3:30pm Snack- 15-30 grams 5:30pm Dinner- 45grams-4 1/2 NovoLog & 5 1/2 Lantus 7:00pm Snack- 15-30grams with correction to be given at lunch, bedtime and 1am if needed Well we thought no big deal, this girl loves to eat and if not she'll drink milk or juice no problem...well we were WRONG! The first few weeks went well, no lows, she was eating what was offered, other than a few daddy mishaps it really wasn't too bad. Then all of the sudden she started out right refusing to eat or drink at lunch which was so not good being that her NPH peeks at lunch time, so for about a week she had Dr.Pepper for lunch, not my idea of a balanced meal! And she also started dropping into the 50's several times a day, refusing to drink a juice box, once again good old Dr. Pepper to the rescue! We had an appt with our educator last Monday and we talked a lot about struggling with the set doses and a 2 year old with a mind of her own and she talked with our Dr. about taking her off the NPH for now and letting us let her eat the amount she wants then us figuring out her dose. It's an extra shot but it's worked out well for the most part and she's back to eating normal (must of just been a control issue) the only real struggle now is that she's entered into her "honeymoon" period and her blood sugars have been dropping rapidly,she's been below 50 at least 14 times since last Monday! We're on the phone daily with the insulin adjustment line and have gone from a 1:10 ratio to a 1:20 in a matter of a week, and her Lantus is down from 5 1/2 to 2units at dinner.


Joanne said...

We're still on NHP and it works out well for us. So far (and I hope this doesn't jinx us!), Elise has been great at eating everything I put in front of her.

The only problem we have is trying to make sure everything is scheduled so we can be somewhere that Elise can eat at around noon. It can really be stressful sometimes!

Shamae (Ghost written by Loren her hubby) said...

Oh the honeymoon period. It can be tricky at times. You guys are doing great though! Keep it up.

K Groenbeck said...

Why they call it the honeymoon I'm not sure, it seems like things are more crazy and out of control at that time. Thank God for the diabetic educators- they are a life saver for sure.
You will like the carb to insulin ratio. We love it and Kaitlyn can eat what she wants and as much or as little. It is a challenge but you are doing great, just think, you will know the carbs of every food there is.
Stay positive, we are praying for you all.

Ronda said...

NPH is evil!! We were on it for a while after diagnoses. Novolog, NPH, and Lantus. (Now on Humolog a Levemir) Glad your off it. Yes it is one more shot, but less of a battle at lunch time! You got to love the increased flexibilty in your day.